For those of you who are curious to deepen your Dream Arc journey by connecting or enhancing your connection with animals through a direct, felt, gently guided experience rather than approaching them metaphorically, archetypally and abstractly, I'm inviting you to go off codices and explore the dreamtime the way we've known it for thousands of years, the way that is real, raw, intimate and deeply familiar - by looking it in the eye, breaking bread, sharing a story.

Through a process of Deep Imagery Journeying, seek guidance, build relationships, explore category landscapes, shapeshift, gather councils, offer back - the opportunities are countless. You're invited to shed our post-modern rational skin a little bit and enter the breathy tingling relationality, remember the simple magic of meeting each other through body, feeling and the mystic imaginal. Show up to what's seeking you. Make it real - give it a body.

For those of you who are curious to deepen your Dream Arc journey by connecting or enhancing your connection with animals through a direct, felt, gently guided experience rather than approaching them metaphorically, archetypally and abstractly, I'm inviting you to go off codices and explore the dreamtime the way we've known it for thousands of years, the way that is real, raw, intimate and deeply familiar - by looking it in the eye, breaking bread, sharing a story.

Through a process of Deep Imagery Journeying, seek guidance, build relationships, explore category landscapes, shapeshift, gather councils, offer back - the opportunities are countless. You're invited to shed our post-modern rational skin a little bit and enter the breathy tingling relationality, remember the simple magic of meeting each other through body, feeling and the mystic imaginal.
This offering was born in an attempt to marry two parts within myself - one that is madly in love with myth and symbol and the unbroken linage of meaning, and the other that craves a breathing relationship, that knows, deep in her bones, that there is always a pair of eyes seeking out mine to meet intimately and afresh, and that there's a portal through which that is always possible; that it's a relationship that brings forth the finest of truths and it's a direct felt experience that makes things real; that a story always happens to more than just me alone and always stitches together the dreamer and the dreamed.
I find the Deep Imagery work to be a perfect supplement to the beautiful Animal Codex and all other incredible wells of knowledge we might be drinking from on our Dream Arc journey, providing the missing piece of a direct, transmissive, transformational, felt power of a real relationship. And the purpose of this offering is to stir that relationship alive and awake.

It's an opportunity to re-establish the somatic vision of the dreamtime, to know it not as an abstraction but as a practice; to take your other-than-human encounters from being cerebral exercises or metaphorical ideas to being embodied, felt, dynamic and reciprocal experiences; not to butcher the dream by asking it for a meaning but treat it as a living being and allow it to work you.

You can read more about Deep Imagery and my approach to it here. You can orient yourself and attune to the space here.
What is it?
This offering was born in an attempt to marry two parts within myself - one that is madly in love with myth and symbol and the unbroken linage of meaning, and the other that craves a breathing relationship, that knows, deep in her bones, that there is always a pair of eyes seeking out mine to meet intimately and afresh, and that there's a portal through which that is always possible; that it's a relationship that brings forth the finest of truths and it's a direct felt experience that makes things real; that a story always happens to more than just me alone and always stitches together the dreamer and the dreamed.

I find the Deep Imagery work to be a perfect supplement to the beautiful Animal Codex and all other incredible wells of knowledge we might be drinking from on our Dream Arc journey, providing the missing piece of a direct, transmissive, transformational, felt power of a real relationship. And this offering is meant to stir that relationship alive and awake.

It's an opportunity to re-establish the somatic vision of the dreamtime, to know it not as an abstraction but as a practice; to take your other-than-human encounters from being cerebral, metaphorical ideas to being embodied, felt, dynamic and reciprocal experiences; not to butcher the dream by asking it for a meaning but treat it as a living being and allow it to work you.

You can read more about Deep Imagery and my approach to it here. You can orient yourself and attune to the space here.

Single Journey
A guided Deep Imagery session (90 min) (e.g. to meet an animal for the first time, to seek guidance, to offer back, to shapeshift/merge, to explore the category landscape, etc.)

3-Journey Bundle
A package of 3 guided Deep Imagery session (90 min) with an email follow-up after each one. Includes an orientation call to see where you are at in the Dream Arc and set the stage for our work together.

6-Journey Bundle
A package of 6 guided Deep Imagery sessions (90 min) with an email follow-up after each one. Includes an orientation call to see where you are at in the Dream Arc and set the stage for our work together.
No-Cost Session
A no-cost guided Deep Imagery session (90 min), no questions asked. You may or may not use the Donate option below. And thank you for what you are going through.
*Custom-tailored subscription plan available on request
**Group journeys available on request
Booking Options
A guided Deep Imagery session (90 min) (e.g. to meet an animal for the first time, to seek guidance, to offer back, to shapeshift/merge, to explore the category landscape, etc.)
A package of 3 guided Deep Imagery session (90 min) with an email follow-up after each one. Includes an orientation call to see where you are at in the Dream Arc and set the stage for our work together.
A package of 6 guided Deep Imagery sessions (90 min) with an email follow-up after each one. Includes an orientation call to see where you are at in the Dream Arc and set the stage for our work together.
A no-cost guided Deep Imagery session (90 min), no questions asked. You may or may not use the Donate option below. And thank you for what you are going through.
*Custom-tailored subscription plan available on request
**Group journeys available on request
Anna Odintsova
Dream Arc Voyager, Deep Imagery Guide, Gene Keys Guide ,
animist, shamanic practitioner
A student of animist traditions, a lover of nature, myth, body and ritual. Walking a path of devotion and enlivenment, equally in love with dream and flesh, star and soil, but more than anything - with the mystery at the heart of it all.
I like to think of myself as a veil-tender between the human and other-than-human worlds, hoping to use my sensitivities to help keep the veil permeable so that it never hardens into a barrier and, as David Abram says, remains 'a porous membrane across which nourishment flows steadily in both directions'.

I want to live a life of deep feeling, beauty and service to the community of life and contribute to reawakening our ancestral vision into the dazzling personhood of things.
This is my space of interconnectedness, wonder, lucidity and hope, and my timid attempt to de-center the human narrative and re-center the animate; shift the focus away from individual interiority and processing, towards a mandalic consciousness where the world is alive and filled with soul.

And I can't wait to be a (forever awe-struck) witness to your other-than-human encounters and becomings.
Book an Orientation Call

Anna Odintsova
Deep Imagery Guide, Dream Arc & Gene Keys Guide, animist,
shamanic practitioner
A student of animist traditions, a lover of nature, myth, body and ritual. Walking a path of devotion and enlivenment, equally in love with dream and flesh, star and soil, but more than anything - with the mystery at the heart of it all.
I like to think of myself as a veil-tender between the human and other-than-human worlds, hoping to use my sensitivities to help keep the veil permeable so that it never hardens into a barrier and, as David Abram says, remains 'a porous membrane across which nourishment flows steadily in both directions'.

I want to live a life of deep feeling, beauty and service to the community of life and contribute to reawakening our ancestral vision into the dazzling personhood of things.
This is my space of interconnectedness, wonder, lucidity and hope, and my timid attempt to de-center the human narrative and re-center the animate; shift the focus away from individual interiority and processing, towards a mandalic consciousness where the world is alive and filled with soul.

And I can't wait to be a (forever awe-struck) witness to your other-than-human encounters and becomings.
Art by Monica Sanz and Helen Durant. All rights belong to their respective owners.
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